
Next Generation MAME UAV

Aero-structural design optimization of a medium-altitude medium-endurance fixed-wing unmanned areal vehicle in collaboration with a Portuguese leading UAS manufacturer.

Drones Safe Flight

Development of a comprehensive safety system for fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles encompassing energy management and obstacle detection and collision avoidance

Electric Long Endurance UAV

Design, build and flight of an electric long endurance UAV with solar-powered electric propulsion system. A carefully sized electric propulsive system with photovoltaic panels on the main wing and buffer battery in the fuselage allowed up to 16 hours of endurance, demonstrated in flight tests under average solar radiation conditions.

Aerodynamic Analysis and Optimal Design of Turbomachinery

Development of new aerothermal analysis and design tools for turbomachinery with world-leading manufacturer in aerospace and energy sectors. The use of adjoint methods for computing sensitivities for gradient-based optimization proved very accurate and computationally efficient, leading to higher efficiency designs, particularly in multi-row (stator +rotor) configurations.