Principal investigator
André C. Marta

André is a faculty at Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, where he heads the Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Laboratory (MDO Lab) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. His research focuses on multidisciplinary design optimization of aircraft, UAVs, wind turbines, turbomachinery and rockets, including fluid-structure interaction, aero-acoustics, low- and high-fidelity computational models, uncertainty quantification and robust optimization.

PhD students
Nuno Matos

Nuno is currently working on the design of a next-generation medium-altitude, medium endurance, fixed-wing UAS using high-fidelity aerostructural design tools.

Pedro Cardoso

Pedro is currently working on the optimal wing aerodynamic shape under the influence of propeller downwash using high-fidelity design tools.

MSc students
Tiago Guerreiro

Tiago is currently working on on-track aerodynamic validation studies of a Formula Student vehicle.

Vicente Vaz

Vicente is currently working on the handling of a propeller-driven propulsion system in high-fidelity aerodynamic aircraft optimal design.

Madalena Cunha

Madalena is currently working on collision avoidance strategies for small fixed-wing UAVs with flight test demonstration.

Francisco Vaz

Francisco is currently working on the design, construction and testing of a force balance for the low-speed LNEC wind tunnel.

Diogo Santos

Diogo is currently working on the aerodynamic study of the side elements of a Formula Student vehicle, with wind tunnel validation of CFD simulations.

Luís Pinheiro

Luís is currently working on efficient aerodynamic design and optimization of fuselage and fairings for UAVs.

Luís Pacheco

Luís is currently working on the aero-structural design optimization of a high aspect-ratio transport wing using coupled high-fidelity methods.

PhD alumni
Simão Rodrigues

Aero-thermal analysis and design of turbomachinery blades using multi-stage adjoint methods, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, April 2019.
Simão defined and implemented a multi-stage mixing-plane interface on an adjoint solver of a RANS solver for turbomachinery CFD flow analysis to allow for very efficient sensitivity analysis of complex multi-row compressor and turbine aircraft jet engines to blade shape and inlet/exit flow conditions.

MSc alumni
Pedro Cardoso

Aerostructural design of a medium-altitude medium-endurance UAV wing, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, December 2024.

Alexandre Palaio

Sounding rocket multidisciplinary preliminary design and trajectory optimisation, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, December 2024.

Bruno Pedro

Development of a sense and avoid system for small fixed-wing UAV, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, December 2024.

Gonçalo Vizeu

Aerodynamic characterization of UAV propellers using numerical analysis and experimental testing, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, December 2023.

Vitor Silva

Structural design of a MAME UAV wing using high-fidelity numerical tools, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, December 2023.

Marta Portugal

Optimal multi-sensor collision avoidance system for small fixed-wing UAV, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2023.

Rúben Gameiro

Aerodynamic design of a MAME UAV wing using high-fidelity numerical tools, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2023.

Luís Afonso

Aerodynamic design and wind tunnel testing of the rear end of a Formula Student vehicle, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, December 2022.

Nelson Cavaco

Design and assembly of a ground control station for long range and long endurance UAVs, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2022.

Carlos Seixas

Estimation of aerodynamic and control derivatives of small fixed-wing aircraft using numerical simulations and wind tunnel experiments, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2022.

Jaime Pacheco

Wind tunnel testing of a complete Formula Student vehicle, Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, June 2022.

Pedro Serrano

Optimization of obstacle detection for small UAVs, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, June 2022.

Miguel Carreira

Aerodynamic mapping of a Formula Student prototype using numerical simulations and on-track validation, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, June 2022.

Paulo Sá

Structural detailed design of a UAV with a fuel cell energy system, Aeronautical Engineering, Portuguese Air Force Academy, December 2021.

Bernardo Alves

Multidisciplinary optimisation of an unmanned aerial vehicle with a fuel cell powered energy system, Aeronautical Engineering, Portuguese Air Force Academy, December 2021.

Nuno Matos

Concurrent trajectory optimization and aircraft design for the Air Cargo Challenge 2022 competition, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, December 2021.

Gonçalo Oliveira

Coupled aircraft design and trajectory optimization of an electric UAV, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, June 2021.

Margarida Pereira

Multi-fidelity methods for improved efficiency in multi-disciplinary optimization problems, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, January 2021.

Nuno Alturas

Modeling and optimization of an obstacle detection system for small UAVs, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, January 2021.

André Oliveira

Design, construction, calibration and testing of a wind tunnel force balance, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, September 2020.

Lourenço Lúcio

Multidisciplinary aircraft design and trajectory control optimization, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, December 2019.

David Alexandre

Closed dynamic soaring trajectories for surveillance missions of aerial vehicles, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico / Roma Sapienza, December 2019.

Ivo Rocha

Experimental and numerical aeroelastic study of wings, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, July 2019.

Fábio Morgado

Coupled preliminary design and trajectory optimization of rockets using a multidisciplinary approach, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, June 2019.

José Pereira

Preliminary design and analysis of a chassis side beam for stiffness and crashworthiness of an electric vehicle, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2018.

Samuel Cardoso

Front secondary crash management system, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2018.

João Fernandes

Design of a wind tunnel force balance, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, June 2018.

Pedro Rodrigues

Efficient aerodynamic optimization of aircraft wings, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, April 2018.

Nuno Moita

Optimization of propeller-driven propulsion system for small UAV, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, April 2018.

Tiago Nunes

Multi-objective design optimization of a frontal crash energy absorption system for a road-safe vehicle, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2017.

Francisco Baptista

A 0-D off-design performance prediction model of the CFM56-5B turbofan engine, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2017.

Tiago Baião

Energy monitoring system for low-cost UAVs, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, July 2017.

Juliana Alves

Path planning and collision avoidance algorithms for small RPAS, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, June 2017.

Tiago Freire

Efficient structural optimization of aircraft wings, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, February 2017.

Luís Parada

Conceptual and preliminary design of a long endurance electric UAV, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2016.

Pedro Margarido

Flight dynamics and simulation of a generic aircraft for aeroservoelastic design, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2016.

Pedro Rebelo

Design study of a side intrusion beam for automotive safety, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2016.

Miguel Ferreira

Multidisciplinary design analysis and optimisation of rear wings for sports cars, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, June 2016.

Hugo Brogueira

Design of a test bench for micro combustion engines, Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, June 2016.

Gonçalo Valente

Vasculature optimization of actively-cooled materials, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, June 2016.

Ricardo Diogo

Design optimization of a high aspect ratio wing using ant colony optimization algorithm, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, April 2016.

Daniel Martins

Off-design performance prediction of the CFM56-3 aircraft engine, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2015.

António Paulo

Enhanced methods development for high-end low-fidelity numerical wing weight and flutter prediction, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2015.

João Almeida

Structural dynamics for aeroelastic analysis, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2015.

Mário Ramos

Construction and analysis of a lightweight UAV wing prototype, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2015.

Miguel Borges

Design of an apparatus for wind tunnel tests of electric UAV propulsion systems, Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, June 2015.

Edgar Carrolo

Passive control of aerodynamic load in wind turbine blades, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, June 2015.

Pedro Miller

Design of a remote person view system for a long range UAV, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, June 2015.

João Branco

Aeroacoustic optimization of a low speed fan, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, June 2015.

André Cardeira

Aeroelastic analysis of aircraft wings, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, December 2014.

Duarte Figueiredo

Autopilot and ground control station for UAV, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2014.

Tiago Ferreira

Hybrid propulsion system of a long endurance electric UAV, Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2014.

Cédric Simões

Optimal design of a UAV co-axial propulsion system and its airframe, Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, July 2014.

Nuno Silva

Parametric design, aerodynamic analysis and optimization of a solar UAV, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, June 2014.

Luís Amândio

Stochastic optimization in aircraft design, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2013.

Héctor González

Design, construction and test of the propulsion system of a solar UAV, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, March 2013.

Jorge Liquito

Design of structural elements of aircraft wings with uncertainty in loads and materials, Aeronautical Engineering, Portuguese Air Force Academy, December 2012.

Simão Rodrigues

Aero-acoustic optimization of wind turbine blades, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2012.

Bruno Tojo

Aero-structural blade design of a high-power wind turbine, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, July 2012.

Jaime Coimbra

Aero-acoustic optimization of airfoils for wing turbines, Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, June 2012.

Pedro Martins

Aircraft maintenance scheduling optimization for the Fokker 100 fleet, Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, February 2012.

Bruno Cadete

Aero-structural optimization of sailplane wings, Aeronautical Engineering, Portuguese Air Force Academy, December 2011.

Stefano Carli

Closed loop development tests of an evaporating experiment for the International Space Station Fluid Science Laboratory, Aerospace Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, September 2011.